2023 and the task before the electorate


It must be emphasised that good leadership is the key that will unlock the forces against economic growth and development in Nigeria.

Any amount of resources that are utilised to accelerate the pace of our country’s development is a worthy investment capable of yielding good and huge dividends.

The present situation of this country that is well known to all is due to lack of good leadership. It is unfortunate to mention that more harm has been done to Nigerian economy in the hands of our leaders than any other factor.

The appointment of individuals to positions beyond their competence is caused mainly by the Nigerian factor, yet we have qualified professionals.

That is why our public utilities perform most unsatisfactory. Most of them, such as PHCN, popularly called NEPA, and Nigerian Railways Corporation, to mention but a few, are very disappointing after 62 years of independence.

I will like to mention here that it was good work ethics that built the United States of America. The pioneers of that country were hard working. It was also love for work and of the nation that built Japan and Germany from the ashes of the first and second world wars.

Moreover, technology has made the world a small village, and successfully made the advanced countries the giant nations of the world whereas our post-independent Nigeria has become a country spinning on its head, declining from Black hope to African embarrassment, from robust purchasing power to take home pay that can no longer take us home, from emerging economy to sub-merging economy due to disastrous economic policies.

All these have brought the nation to a situation of chaos and despair. It is therefore the responsibility of all Nigerians (come the general elections) to vote wisely so as to ensure the emergence of credible leaders who will efficiently and effectively utilise all our resources (physical and human) for the upliftment of the citizens and development of this nation.

We should elect leaders who will determine the appropriate technology required for our productivity to raise appreciably; leaders who will move the country forward.

Nigeria is our country, we have no other nation to call our own than Nigeria. This is the challenge before us.

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