God is not a Christian, says popular Nigerian pastor

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    Whether or not God is a Christian is not an intelligent argument, as far as I am concerned. It’s the same thing as saying “God is not a man” or “Omen Bassey is not a woman”.

    So, why is it trending as though it is one earth shaking revelation? Is it all about the popular “clout chasing”?

    That the name “Christian” was given by whoever is also neither here nor there. The meaning is understood and accepted. It means believers in, and followers of Christ. I am one and I accept the description. The source of the name in this case does nothing to its desirability or efficacy nor does it add any substance to the argument (if it’s intended to be one). Recently, one of my lecturers said most of our communities and ethnic groups never gave themselves the names they presently bear. In most cases, strangers used it to describe them until it stuck and became accepted.

    Moreover, if the intention of the needless argument is the further expansion of the gospel of elastic and permissive grace, which seeks to completely close the gap between believers and unbelievers, there’s need to tread cautiously. I am glad to proclaim my Christianity and irreversible subscription to the Bible – the authoritative Manual which espouses my faith and the steady anchor which holds it.

    I believe the entirety of the Bible as the Word of God. Besides, there are fundamentals of my faith as contained in the scriptures. One of them is the doctrine of the Trinity. It may not make sense to everyone but it does to me. I believe it absolutely.

    The Word and ways of God are beyond intellectual analyses. This is why I encourage people to seek to experience, rather than understand God. You cannot explain God and you cannot know Him in a way which makes you proud of such knowledge. In reality, the more you know Him, the more inadequate you feel. This is why such people exhibit humility.

    After several years in ministry and verifiable proofs, authenticating his apostleship, Paul said:

    “THAT I MAY KNOW HIM and power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death. PHILIPPIANS 3:10(Emphasis are mine)

    He also says in 1 CORINTHIANS 13:9 (NLT):
    “Now OUR KNOWLEDGE is PARTIAL and INCOMPLETE, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only a part of the whole picture.” (Emphasis mine)

    No human being posseses such a perfect knowledge of God that he assumes the responsibility of correcting every other person. My position is simple – every knowledge is acquired. Your source can be wholly or partially wrong. Knowledge itself is progressive. If you already know everything today, what will you learn or know tomorrow?

    If the trending “God is not a Christian” slogan is intended to contradict the scriptures in JOHN 14:6:
    “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me ” and JOHN 1:12 (NLT):

    “But all who BELIEVED Him and ACCEPTED Him, He gave the RIGHT to become CHILDREN of GOD.” (Emphasis mine), then it can only persuade those who really did not take a stand.

    It’s either I believe the unambiguous Word of God or I renounce my Christianity. It is not my place to advocate for those who belong to other faiths. Jesus Christ made the proclamation consciously. It’s not even my place to find out what the fate of those who died without hearing about Christ is.

    As I said earlier, there are many things we will only know and understand later. Despite what we claim to know, none of us will be Omniscient in this flesh and no matter what happens, God will retain His Sovereignty.

    Omen Bassey

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