NBA Garki Branch Calls For Articles For Publication in Liberty Bar Journal


The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Garki Branch, Abuja known as the Liberty Bar has called for submissions of articles for subsequent publication in the Liberty Bar Journal coming up for publication in 2023.

This was made known through a notice, where the Editorial board of the NBA Garki Branch called for submissions of articles on all areas of law and practice, notes on landmark cases and reviews of statutes and books of relevance to legal practice for possible publication in her maiden peer reviewed Liberty Bar Journal coming up for publication in 2023.

According to the notice, the guidelines for interested authors included thus;
1. The articles should be original and not offend the copyright laws.

2. The articles must be exclusively submitted for publications in Liberty Bar Journal

3. Articles should not exceed 6,000 words and case notes, statute and book reviews should not exceed 4,000 words.

4. An abstract of not more than 250 words should also be included in the articles.

5. Name(s), title(s), qualification, email address(es) of the contributors should be indicated as footnote references on the first page.

6. Articles should be in Microsoft word format using Times New Romans with 1.5 line spacing in font size 12 in the body and single line spacing in font size 10 in the footnotes.

7. Authors should either consistently use the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT) Uniform Citation Guide which can be accessed on or the Oxford Standard Citation for Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) which can be accessed at

8. Authors should cross-check and confirm accuracy of their Articles and should indicate the source(s) of dara or reviews referred to.

9. Bibliographic details should be asterisked and precede the footnotes. They should include the author’s qualifications and current employment.

10. The deadline for submission of articles for publication in 28th February 2023

11. Young Lawyers who contribute publishable articles will be rewarded.

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