Nigeria, Somalia, Libya’s passports among worst globally: Report
Now listed among the worst 10 performing travel documents worldwide, the Nigerian passport has once again fallen to new lows on the global ladder, according to the Henley Passport Index that ranks the foreign passports of nations across the globe.
The Nigerian green passport was ranked among the world’s bottom 10, alongside insecurity-battered Libya, Somalia, Syria and Afghanistan ranking last, according to the 2024 report of the Henley Passport Index published Thursday.
France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain ranked first with their passports that easily access 194 countries visa-free.
With access to 193 nations without a visa, Finland, South Korea, and Sweden placed second, while Austria, Denmark, Ireland and Netherlands came third.
One hundred ninety-nine passports were assessed, and countries’ passport positions ranged from first to 104th, with several nations tied in the same positions.
Nigeria, together with Iran, Lebanon and Sudan, ranked 95th. Bearers of these passports can only access 45 countries.
Nigeria dropped many positions below South Africa, ranked 53rd, as its passport bearers can enter 108 nations easily without the hassles of obtaining a visa.
Burundi, Liberia, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Congo Brazzaville ranked higher than Nigeria, evidencing the continued erosion of Nigeria’s credibility with its international peers.
Other African nations, including Ghana, which placed 76th; Benin Republic 79th, Togo 83rd, Nigér Republic 85th, all have better rankings than Nigeria.
Last year, Nigeria ranked 180th of 199 nations and has consistently ranked lower in previous years