Boko Haram terrorists launched a devastating attack on Bamzir village, located in the Whuntaku District of Chibok Local Government Area, Borno State, in the early hours of Sunday, January 12. The assailants, who struck around 2:10 am, left a trail of destruction, killing two brothers, Josiah Pogu Pudza, an SS 2 student, and Enoch Pogu Pudza. The attack also resulted in the injury of one Esther Yohanna, who sustained a bullet wound.
The terrorists set several houses, shops, and a church auditorium on fire. In addition to the destruction, they looted food supplies and livestock before fleeing the scene. Local authorities, including Mustapha Madu, the media representative for the chairman of Chibok LGA, condemned the attack and extended condolences to the bereaved family. Madu also visited the site, where he inspected the damage to the burned properties.
The tragedy in Bamzir comes at the same time as reports of similar violence in Kebbi State, where suspected Lakurawa terrorists killed several individuals, adding to the rising security concerns in the region.